3D Modeling App allows you to easily make 3D models, objects, art and cgi graphics, paintings, create 3d characters and design 3d games on the go using gestures on your mobile phone or tablet.
Tons of features:
1. Fast workflow:
- Move and rotate 3d images, and scale 3d objects and the camera using gestures. Quickly switch between tools.
- Easily multi-select vertices, edges, faces, and objects by long tapping or drawing frames.
2. Vertex tools for 3d geometry: merge (target merge, collapse edges, collapse faces), connect, and create faces using vertices.
3. Edge tools: Draw a cut using a single swipe or by select one point by point, cut a loop (create new edge-loops), select a loop (also by double tapping), extrude, delete, select ring, create 3d faces using the border edge (fill in the hole).
4. Face tools: Extrude, draw a face using set points, detach, clone, select shell (also by double tap), reverse, delete.
5. Object tools: Combine/separate, clone, mirror, smooth, divide, and soft/hard normals.
6. Sculpting tools: Move, screen, push, pull, and smooth. You can adjust brush size and strength.
7. Display tools:
- Grid with settable size and snapping values.
- Display info: Triangles count, distance between vertices, and edge length.
- Wireframe on/off, shaded on/off.
- Shadows on/off.
- Axis on/off.
8. Coloring: Vertex color painting.
9. You can apply up to 20 materials to your objects.
10. Additional tools:
- Orthographic camera.
- Set move, rotate, and scale precise values.
- Display selected (isolate selection).
- Grow selection and convert selection.
- Move vertices, edges, 3d faces, and objects freely without grid snap.
- Snap: Grid, rotate angle, 2 axis plane, local space, physical penetration, ortho cam snap.
- Auto-save.
11. Export & import .obj files:
- Can be imported in 3D modeling software: 3ds Max \ Maya \ Blender \ Zbrush \ Modo \ Adobe Photoshop \ Adobe Illustrator \ MeshMixer \ Concepts \ Netfabb \ Forger - Can be imported in CAD software: Autodesk AutoCAD \ SolidWorks \ Tinkercad \ NX \ Catia \ Solid Edge \ Autodesk Fusion 360 \ Rhino \ Onshape \ Trimble Sketchup \ Maxon Cinema 4D (C4D) \ Autodesk Alias
- Can be converted to the following file formats using 3rd party converters: IGS \ IGES \ STP \ STEP \ JT \ SAT \ X_T \ X_B \ BREP \ WRL \ X3D \ 3DM STL \ DAE \ DXF \ GLTF \ FBX \ IFC \ 3DS to further import to Shapr3d (Shapr) or uMake 12.
What's new:
- Landscape screen mode
- Insert object to the current file feature
- Minor bug fixes
Package Info:
● Supported Languages: None
● Supported CPU architecture: Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a;
● Supported Screen DPI: None.
Mod Info:
● Premium Feature Unlock.
● A Skip Tutorial.
● A Skip What's New Dialog.
● Google Play Services Check Removed / Disabled.
● Google Play Store Install Package Check Disable.
● In-App Billing Service Removed / Disabled.
● Play Services, Transport, Firebase Properties Removed.
● All Unnecessary Garbage Folder & File Removed.
● Duplicate Dpi Item Remove Like:
- Bar Length, Drawable Size, Gap Between Bars.
● Splits0 File Removed (Resources & AndroidManifest).
● Splits0 Releated Unnecessary Meta-Data Remove Like:
- Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.
● Optimized PNG Save To 331 Kb.
● Optimized JPG Save To 181 Kb.
● Re-Compressed Classes.dex & Library.
● Optimized Graphics / Zipalign.
● Removed Debug Information (Source, Line, Param, Prologue, Local)
● Total Apk Size 75 Mb.
لقطات الشاشة
[appbox googleplay com.inforcegames.app3dmodelling]
3D Modeling App: Sculpt & Draw v1.15.7 [Mod] APK / مرآة

3D Modeling App: Sculpt & Draw v1.15.7 [Mod] APK [Latest]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | تطبيقات الأندرويد |
إصدار | |
تحديث | سبتمبر 24, 2022 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
3D Modeling App allows you to easily make 3D models, objects, art and cgi graphics, paintings, create 3d characters and design 3d games on the go using gestures on your mobile phone or tablet.
Tons of features:
1. Fast workflow:
– Move and rotate 3d images, and scale 3d objects and the camera using gestures. Quickly switch between tools.
– Easily multi-select vertices, edges, faces, and objects by long tapping or drawing frames.
2. Vertex tools for 3d geometry: merge (target merge, collapse edges, collapse faces), connect, and create faces using vertices.
3. Edge tools: Draw a cut using a single swipe or by select one point by point, cut a loop (create new edge-loops), select a loop (also by double tapping), extrude, delete, select ring, create 3d faces using the border edge (fill in the hole).
4. Face tools: Extrude, draw a face using set points, detach, clone, select shell (also by double tap), reverse, delete.
5. Object tools: Combine/separate, clone, mirror, smooth, divide, and soft/hard normals.
6. Sculpting tools: Move, screen, push, pull, and smooth. You can adjust brush size and strength.
7. Display tools:
– Grid with settable size and snapping values.
– Display info: Triangles count, distance between vertices, and edge length.
– Wireframe on/off, shaded on/off.
– Shadows on/off.
– Axis on/off.
8. Coloring: Vertex color painting.
9. You can apply up to 20 materials to your objects.
10. Additional tools:
– Orthographic camera.
– Set move, rotate, and scale precise values.
– Display selected (isolate selection).
– Grow selection and convert selection.
– Move vertices, edges, 3d faces, and objects freely without grid snap.
– Snap: Grid, rotate angle, 2 axis plane, local space, physical penetration, ortho cam snap.
– Auto-save.
11. Export & import .obj files:
– Can be imported in 3D modeling software: 3ds Max \ Maya \ Blender \ Zbrush \ Modo \ Adobe Photoshop \ Adobe Illustrator \ MeshMixer \ Concepts \ Netfabb \ Forger – Can be imported in CAD software: Autodesk AutoCAD \ SolidWorks \ Tinkercad \ NX \ Catia \ Solid Edge \ Autodesk Fusion 360 \ Rhino \ Onshape \ Trimble Sketchup \ Maxon Cinema 4D (C4D) \ Autodesk Alias
– Can be converted to the following file formats using 3rd party converters: IGS \ IGES \ STP \ STEP \ JT \ SAT \ X_T \ X_B \ BREP \ WRL \ X3D \ 3DM STL \ DAE \ DXF \ GLTF \ FBX \ IFC \ 3DS to further import to Shapr3d (Shapr) or uMake 12.
ما هو الجديد:
– Landscape screen mode
– Insert object to the current file feature
– Minor bug fixes
معلومات الحزمة:
● Supported Languages: None
● Supported CPU architecture: Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a;
● Supported Screen DPI: None.
معلومات التعديل:
● Premium Feature Unlock.
● A Skip Tutorial.
● A Skip What’s New Dialog.
● Google Play Services Check Removed / Disabled.
● تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play.
● In-App Billing Service Removed / Disabled.
● تمت إزالة خدمات التشغيل والنقل وخصائص Firebase.
● تمت إزالة كافة المجلدات والملفات غير الضرورية.
● إزالة عنصر Dpi المكرر مثل:
- طول الشريط، الحجم القابل للرسم، والفجوة بين القضبان.
● تمت إزالة ملف Splits0 (الموارد وAndroidManifest).
● إزالة البيانات التعريفية غير الضرورية المرتبطة بـ Splits0 مثل:
– مصدر الطوابع، Stamp Type Standalone Apk، Android Vending Splits، Android Vending Derived Apk.
● Optimized PNG Save To 331 Kb.
● Optimized JPG Save To 181 Kb.
● إعادة ضغط Classes.dex والمكتبة.
● الرسومات الأمثل / Zipalign.
● Removed Debug Information (Source, Line, Param, Prologue, Local)
● Total Apk Size 75 Mb.
لقطات الشاشة
Download 3D Modeling App: Sculpt & Draw v1.15.7 [Mod] APK [Latest]
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