PRO Features : ADS Free APP. No INTERNET Permission. LESS APP Size. Faster RAM Cleaner. Also BEST for GAME Boosting I.e No Lagging or Hanging In GAME PLAY.
Auto Ram Cleaner PRO : Lowers burden on phone by Cleaning RAM & Background Processes when screen turns on. Lowers burden of battery by which phone battery lasts long.
Screen on cleaning - Cleans memory when screen turns on. Automatically Free RAM By open up a screen lock & turning screen on. (Auto Support upto Android version 6 due to Android security permission issue above 6)
Wait for just a sec. to perform action to spped up your mobile on startup.
It will Increase a Battery Life & speed to use a phone.
Functions as ram cleaner and ram booster simultaneously.
Makes your phone work like new one with more RAM Space Freed.
When you use a functions on ur mobile like whatsapp, facebook , media files mx video player,Video player, audio player, mp3 player, gallery, browsers etc….The RAM will take a Load on RAM Memory & runs these Files or functions (APPS). You do not always remembers to clean these processes loaded on RAM even though you don’t know to clean it. So when again you use your mobile it slow down or Hanging problem may arise. That’s why Auto RAM Cleaner will Automatically cleans mobile RAM & increase the speed of Mobile & Removes your mobile hanging Problem So always your device is like fresh & Speedy.
★ Purchase and published by Lirico (give credits if you copy it to another forum/web).
★ No ads.
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Auto RAM Cleaner PRO
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Auto RAM Cleaner PRO v1.0 [Paid] APK / مرآة

Auto RAM Cleaner PRO v1.0 [Paid] APK [Latest]
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تحديث | يوليو 20, 2020 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
PRO Features : ADS Free APP. No INTERNET Permission. LESS APP Size. Faster RAM Cleaner. Also BEST for GAME Boosting I.e No Lagging or Hanging In GAME PLAY.
Auto Ram Cleaner PRO : Lowers burden on phone by Cleaning RAM & Background Processes when screen turns on. Lowers burden of battery by which phone battery lasts long.
Screen on cleaning – Cleans memory when screen turns on. Automatically Free RAM By open up a screen lock & turning screen on. (Auto Support upto Android version 6 due to Android security permission issue above 6)
Wait for just a sec. to perform action to spped up your mobile on startup.
It will Increase a Battery Life & speed to use a phone.
Functions as ram cleaner and ram booster simultaneously.
Makes your phone work like new one with more RAM Space Freed.
When you use a functions on ur mobile like whatsapp, facebook , media files mx video player,Video player, audio player, mp3 player, gallery, browsers etc….The RAM will take a Load on RAM Memory & runs these Files or functions (APPS). You do not always remembers to clean these processes loaded on RAM even though you don’t know to clean it. So when again you use your mobile it slow down or Hanging problem may arise. That’s why Auto RAM Cleaner will Automatically cleans mobile RAM & increase the speed of Mobile & Removes your mobile hanging Problem So always your device is like fresh & Speedy.
★ Purchase and published by Lirico (give credits if you copy it to another forum/web).
★ No ads.
ما هو الجديد:
Auto RAM Cleaner PRO
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
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Download Auto RAM Cleaner PRO v1.0 [Paid] APK [Latest]
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- للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج