MegaSync lets you automatically sync files and folders with MEGA ( cloud storage and with your other devices. It is an ideal tool for photo sync, photo upload, music download, document and file backup, automatic file transfer, automatic file sharing between devices,..
New files in your device are instantly uploaded to MEGA. New files in MEGA are automatically downloaded onto your device. If you delete a file on one side, it will be deleted on the other side. It works across multiple devices (your phone and your tablet). If their folders are synced with the same MEGA account, they will be kept in sync with each other.
This is how MEGA works on desktop but it's not the same with the official MEGA Android app. The MEGA app is all manual. MegaSync is all about automation.
Two-way automatic sync should be an essential feature of the official MEGA app itself since the beginning. For whatever reason it is not the case. MegaSync is here to fill the gap.
الخصائص الرئيسية
✓ Full two-way autosync running in background, just like MEGA on desktop
✓ Many sync modes. Not only two-way, you can also choose Upload only, Upload then delete, Download only, Download mirror,...
✓ Instant upload: new and modified files are uploaded immediately
✓ Very efficient, consumes almost no battery
✓ Easy to set up. Once set up files will be kept in sync without any effort from users
✓ Works reliably under ever changing network conditions on your phone
✓ Monitors battery level, WiFi/3G/4G/LTE/WiMax connectivity and adapts its behavior according to user preferences
✓ Configurable autosync interval: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, every hour,...
✓ Tasker plugin to allow power users to define sophisticated sync schedules and conditions
If you like this app, please consider upgrading to premium version. By doing so you support the development efforts and get access to premium features. You can do so via in-app purchase.
العضوية المميزة
✓ Sync multiple pairs of folders
✓ Upload files larger than 10 MB
✓ Sync your entire cloud account with a folder in your device
✓ Sync with multiple MEGA accounts
✓ Protect app settings with passcode
✓ No ads displayed in the app
✓ Email support by developer
Please check out our website ( for more information about the app, including User's Guide ( and FAQ ( If you run into any issues or have suggestions for improvements, don't hesitate to email us at We will do our best to assist you.
What's New:
• Bug fixes
• Added Thai translation
If you like this app, please spend a minute to write a nice review or to give it a 5-star rating in Google Play. Thanks!
-Version Ultimate
-Disabled ads and analytics
-Language rus / eng
-Cleaned graphics resources
-Removed update request
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
[appbox googleplay id=com.ttxapps.megasync]
التحميلات : Ultimate features Unlocked | Analytics Disabled
MegaSync - Autosync for MEGA v4.5.15 [Ultimate] Armeabi-v7a APK / مرآة
النسخة الأقدم
MegaSync - Autosync for MEGA v4.4.40 [Ultimate] APK / مرآة
MegaSync - Autosync for MEGA v4.4.26 [Ultimate] APK / مرآة

MegaSync – Autosync for MEGA v4.5.15 [Ultimate] APK [Latest]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | تطبيقات الأندرويد |
إصدار | |
تحديث | أكتوبر 8, 2021 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
MegaSync lets you automatically sync files and folders with MEGA ( cloud storage and with your other devices. It is an ideal tool for photo sync, photo upload, music download, document and file backup, automatic file transfer, automatic file sharing between devices,..
New files in your device are instantly uploaded to MEGA. New files in MEGA are automatically downloaded onto your device. If you delete a file on one side, it will be deleted on the other side. It works across multiple devices (your phone and your tablet). If their folders are synced with the same MEGA account, they will be kept in sync with each other.
This is how MEGA works on desktop but it’s not the same with the official MEGA Android app. The MEGA app is all manual. MegaSync is all about automation.
Two-way automatic sync should be an essential feature of the official MEGA app itself since the beginning. For whatever reason it is not the case. MegaSync is here to fill the gap.
الخصائص الرئيسية
✓ Full two-way autosync running in background, just like MEGA on desktop
✓ العديد من أوضاع المزامنة. ليس فقط في اتجاهين، بل يمكنك أيضًا اختيار تحميل فقط، تحميل ثم حذف، تنزيل فقط، تنزيل مرآة،...
✓ التحميل الفوري: يتم تحميل الملفات الجديدة والمعدلة على الفور
✓ فعال للغاية، ولا يستهلك أي بطارية تقريبًا
✓ سهل الإعداد. بمجرد إعداد الملفات، سيتم الاحتفاظ بالمزامنة دون أي جهد من المستخدمين
✓ يعمل بشكل موثوق في ظل ظروف الشبكة المتغيرة باستمرار على هاتفك
✓ يراقب مستوى البطارية، واتصال WiFi/3G/4G/LTE/WiMax ويكيف سلوكه وفقًا لتفضيلات المستخدم
✓ الفاصل الزمني للمزامنة التلقائية القابلة للتكوين: 15 دقيقة، 30 دقيقة، كل ساعة،...
✓ البرنامج المساعد تاسكر للسماح للمستخدمين المتميزين بتحديد جداول وشروط المزامنة المتطورة
إذا أعجبك هذا التطبيق، يرجى التفكير في الترقية إلى الإصدار المميز. ومن خلال القيام بذلك، فإنك تدعم جهود التطوير وتحصل على إمكانية الوصول إلى الميزات المميزة. يمكنك القيام بذلك عن طريق الشراء داخل التطبيق.
العضوية المميزة
✓ مزامنة أزواج متعددة من المجلدات
✓ تحميل ملفات أكبر من 10 ميجابايت
✓ مزامنة حسابك السحابي بالكامل مع مجلد في جهازك
✓ Sync with multiple MEGA accounts
✓ Protect app settings with passcode
✓ لا توجد إعلانات معروضة في التطبيق
✓ Email support by developer
Please check out our website ( for more information about the app, including User’s Guide ( and FAQ ( If you run into any issues or have suggestions for improvements, don’t hesitate to email us at We will do our best to assist you.
ما هو الجديد:
• Bug fixes
• Added Thai translation
If you like this app, please spend a minute to write a nice review or to give it a 5-star rating in Google Play. Thanks!
-Version Ultimate
-Disabled ads and analytics
-Language rus / eng
-Cleaned graphics resources
-Removed update request
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
التحميلات : Ultimate features Unlocked | Analytics Disabled
MegaSync – Autosync for MEGA v4.5.15 [Ultimate] Armeabi-v7a APK / مرآة
النسخة الأقدم
Download MegaSync – Autosync for MEGA v4.5.15 [Ultimate] APK [Latest]
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- للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج