The Diagnostics and therapeutic application, performed by highly trained clinicians, is the continuity of Diagnostics & therapy
A practical guide to prescribing symptom that the 7th edition is published simultaneously.
This application allows the physician or internal to have him permanently - even offline - a considerable amount of ordered medical data that can be consulted in real time.
The search engine allows you to find the information you need immediately: etiologic diagnosis of chest pain, treatment of bacterial pneumonia, treatment of diabetes, etc.
Included in this app:
- Many comparative tables;
- The decision trees;
- The (therapeutic techniques, etc. disease mechanisms,) illustrative diagrams;
- Sidebars synthetic "the bottom line";
who contributed to the success of "Diagnostics and Therapeutics" in its first edition.
Ergonomic and innovative, this application allows you to:
- Take notes, in any matter;
- To keep your favorites;
- To archive the historical questions consulted.
You will also find:
- The laboratory parameters
- References from the National Health Authority or learned societies.
- The "Other" with various useful lists patients groups, centers painkillers, poison control centers, etc.
The objective of this application is the same as that of the book: simplify the process of the clinician, it saves time and allow him to prescribe safely.
About the Editorial Committee: a team of university hospital specialists, coordinated by Dr. William Berrebi, an expert in medical education.
The demo version offers free chapter "Endocrinology". You can access the complete application via In App Purchase.
What's New:
No Changelog
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
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[appbox googleplay id=com.odysys.diagnosticsettherapeutique]
التحميلات : Everything Unlocked
Diagnostics & thérapeutique v1.0 [Unlocked] APK / مرآة

التشخيص والعلاج v1.0 [مفتوحة] APK [الأحدث]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | طبي |
إصدار | |
تحديث | فبراير 15, 2020 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
The Diagnostics and therapeutic application, performed by highly trained clinicians, is the continuity of Diagnostics & therapy
A practical guide to prescribing symptom that the 7th edition is published simultaneously.
This application allows the physician or internal to have him permanently – even offline – a considerable amount of ordered medical data that can be consulted in real time.
The search engine allows you to find the information you need immediately: etiologic diagnosis of chest pain, treatment of bacterial pneumonia, treatment of diabetes, etc.
Included in this app:
– Many comparative tables;
– The decision trees;
– The (therapeutic techniques, etc. disease mechanisms,) illustrative diagrams;
– Sidebars synthetic “the bottom line”;
who contributed to the success of “Diagnostics and Therapeutics” in its first edition.
Ergonomic and innovative, this application allows you to:
– Take notes, in any matter;
– To keep your favorites;
– To archive the historical questions consulted.
You will also find:
– The laboratory parameters
– References from the National Health Authority or learned societies.
– The “Other” with various useful lists patients groups, centers painkillers, poison control centers, etc.
The objective of this application is the same as that of the book: simplify the process of the clinician, it saves time and allow him to prescribe safely.
About the Editorial Committee: a team of university hospital specialists, coordinated by Dr. William Berrebi, an expert in medical education.
The demo version offers free chapter “Endocrinology”. You can access the complete application via In App Purchase.
ما هو الجديد:
لا يوجد سجل التغيير
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
التحميلات : Everything Unlocked
Download التشخيص والعلاج v1.0 [مفتوحة] APK [الأحدث]
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- يرجى مراجعة دليل التثبيت لدينا.
- للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج