Elevate – Brain Training Games v5.182.0 MOD APK [Premium Unlocked] [Latest]
Elevate - Brain Training Games

Elevate – Brain Training Games v5.182.0 MOD APK [Premium Unlocked] [Latest]

v5.182.0 by رفع المختبرات

Elevate Mod APK is a brain training program that improves your attention, speaking, memory, mental arithmetic and more. Each participant receives a unique training program that adapts over time to improve results. Elevate is considered an educational program for all people in different fields. This educational application is getting stronger and more trusted by users. The application is constantly updated with many new and unique features. This is partly to inspire confidence and partly to satisfy the desires of the modern user. Got my heart. Elevate apk

Book a training program

This application is known for its very noble task of training your brain. If you want to develop applications in bulk, you'll need to set up another program. Elevate's programs move users with the intelligence and modernity that make the development process so powerful. This application focuses on brain development and intelligent brain training. More precisely, applications are always focused on development in the form of high-level thinking. Users learn interesting things about the development process in order to be well informed. Elevate uses many forms of training that every user should be aware of. There are forms of memory training, such as opening the same container, or being given difficult tasks to complete to train the ability to speak.There are many fun shapes, the purpose of which is to train thinking skills. Elevate pro

Pay attention to application questions

Doing brain exercises is also one of the 40 interesting things mentioned in this application. Users want to exercise all their skills and just think. Of course, each puzzle will be in a different color to make it more interesting for the user. More specifically, there are many game-style puzzles that are the easiest to solve. Elevate mod

What should you use ELEVATE for?

Improve your ability to communicate effectively in writing. Clear, compelling, concise, purposeful writing Make your spelling and grammar more accurate. Avoid typical write traps. Improve your reading comprehension. Ability to read mundane things faster and more clearly Increase the number of words in your vocabulary. Learn how to use hundreds of new terms added to your vocabulary. Solve common math problems quickly and easily. Practicing these skills will improve your ability to compare prices, split bills, and calculate discounts and surcharges. Speak confidently. Improve your communication skills by becoming more eloquent and developing a clear expression and tone.

دلائل الميزات :

  • Play 40+ brain games to improve your cognitive skills such as attention, memory, processing speed, arithmetic precision, accuracy and comprehension.
  • Track your own and others' performance progress. Once a week he receives a report highlighting key achievements and potential leads.
  • You can customize the focus of your daily training to focus on the skills you need to improve the most, with 3-5 games to choose from.
  • Train your brain with exercises that get harder over time to keep your experience challenging.
  • Start your fitness streak and stay motivated with over 150 achievements to earn as you practice.
أنت الآن جاهز للتنزيل Elevate مجانا. وهنا بعض الملاحظات:
  • يرجى قراءة معلومات MOD وتعليمات التثبيت بعناية حتى تعمل اللعبة والتطبيق بشكل صحيح
  • التنزيل عبر برامج الطرف الثالث مثل IDM وADM (رابط مباشر) محظور حاليًا لأسباب تتعلق بإساءة الاستخدام.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات لقطات الشاشة [appbox googleplay id=com.wonder] التحميلات
Elevate - Brain Training Games v5.182.0 MOD APK / مرآة
النسخة الأقدم
Elevate - Brain Training Games v5.179.0 MOD APK / مرآة
Elevate - Brain Training Games v5.174.0 MOD APK / مرآة

اسم Elevate - Brain Training Games Elevate - Brain Training Games is the most famous version in the Elevate - Brain Training Games series of publisher
الناشر رفع المختبرات
النوع تعليم
إصدار 5.182.0
تحديث مارس 26, 2025
عصري الاشتراك الاحترافي / الميزات المدفوعة مقفلة
احصل عليه Play Store
  • Pro Subscription / Paid features unlocked;
  • تعطيل / إزالة الأذونات غير المرغوب فيها + أجهزة الاستقبال + مقدمي الخدمة + الخدمات؛
  • رسومات مُحسَّنة ومنضبطة وموارد نظيفة للتحميل السريع؛
  • تم تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play؛
  • تمت إزالة رمز التصحيح؛
  • قم بإزالة اسم علامات .source الافتراضية لملفات Java المقابلة؛
  • تم تعطيل التحليلات / Crashlytics / Firebase؛
  • تمت إزالة التصادمات الأصلية بالكامل؛
  • لا توجد أجهزة تعقب أو إعلانات نشطة؛
  • اللغات: لغات متعددة كاملة؛
  • وحدات المعالجة المركزية: Armeabi-v7a، Arm64-v8a؛
  • دقة الشاشة: 160 نقطة لكل بوصة، 240 نقطة لكل بوصة، 320 نقطة لكل بوصة، 480 نقطة لكل بوصة، 640 نقطة لكل بوصة؛
  • تم تغيير توقيع الحزمة الأصلية.

Elevate Mod APK is a brain training program that improves your attention, speaking, memory, mental arithmetic and more. Each participant receives a unique training program that adapts over time to improve results.

Elevate is considered an educational program for all people in different fields. This educational application is getting stronger and more trusted by users. The application is constantly updated with many new and unique features. This is partly to inspire confidence and partly to satisfy the desires of the modern user. Got my heart.

Elevate apk

Book a training program

This application is known for its very noble task of training your brain. If you want to develop applications in bulk, you’ll need to set up another program. Elevate’s programs move users with the intelligence and modernity that make the development process so powerful.

This application focuses on brain development and intelligent brain training. More precisely, applications are always focused on development in the form of high-level thinking. Users learn interesting things about the development process in order to be well informed.

Elevate uses many forms of training that every user should be aware of. There are forms of memory training, such as opening the same container, or being given difficult tasks to complete to train the ability to speak.There are many fun shapes, the purpose of which is to train thinking skills.

Elevate pro

Pay attention to application questions

Doing brain exercises is also one of the 40 interesting things mentioned in this application. Users want to exercise all their skills and just think. Of course, each puzzle will be in a different color to make it more interesting for the user. More specifically, there are many game-style puzzles that are the easiest to solve.

Elevate mod

What should you use ELEVATE for?

Improve your ability to communicate effectively in writing. Clear, compelling, concise, purposeful writing

Make your spelling and grammar more accurate. Avoid typical write traps.

Improve your reading comprehension. Ability to read mundane things faster and more clearly

Increase the number of words in your vocabulary. Learn how to use hundreds of new terms added to your vocabulary.

Solve common math problems quickly and easily. Practicing these skills will improve your ability to compare prices, split bills, and calculate discounts and surcharges.

Speak confidently. Improve your communication skills by becoming more eloquent and developing a clear expression and tone.

دلائل الميزات :

  • Play 40+ brain games to improve your cognitive skills such as attention, memory, processing speed, arithmetic precision, accuracy and comprehension.
  • Track your own and others’ performance progress. Once a week he receives a report highlighting key achievements and potential leads.
  • You can customize the focus of your daily training to focus on the skills you need to improve the most, with 3-5 games to choose from.
  • Train your brain with exercises that get harder over time to keep your experience challenging.
  • Start your fitness streak and stay motivated with over 150 achievements to earn as you practice.

أنت الآن جاهز للتنزيل Elevate مجانا. وهنا بعض الملاحظات:

  • يرجى قراءة معلومات MOD وتعليمات التثبيت بعناية حتى تعمل اللعبة والتطبيق بشكل صحيح
  • التنزيل عبر برامج الطرف الثالث مثل IDM وADM (رابط مباشر) محظور حاليًا لأسباب تتعلق بإساءة الاستخدام.

هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات

لقطات الشاشة

  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة
  • Elevate - Brain Training لقطة شاشة


Elevate – Brain Training Games v5.182.0 MOD APK / مرآة

النسخة الأقدم

Elevate – Brain Training Games v5.179.0 MOD APK / مرآة

Elevate – Brain Training Games v5.174.0 MOD APK / مرآة

  • We’re working on various bug fixes to improve your gameplay experience.


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Elevate - Brain Training Games

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أنت الآن جاهز للتنزيل Elevate - Brain Training Games مجانا. وهنا بعض الملاحظات:

  • يرجى مراجعة دليل التثبيت لدينا.
  • للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج

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