FNote is notpad and in which It's possible to create folders inside folder so it's convenient to sort notes.
- FNote is notepad notes app.
- You can create sub-folders inside folders.
- Sub-folders can be bookmarked.
- There is no limit to the number and depth of folders.
- You can set password for each note.
- You can put a check box between text.
- You can change the font color.
- Supports landscape view.
- Supports notes menu shortcut widgets.
- Supports Google Drive Backup.
- Support optimized color themes.
What's New:
Bug fix
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
[appbox googleplay id=com.fnote.iehongik.fnote]
FNote - Folder Notes, Notepad v3.1.0 [Pro] APK / مرآة

FNote – Folder Notes, Notepad v3.1.0 [Pro] APK [Latest]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | إنتاجية |
إصدار | |
تحديث | أكتوبر 1, 2020 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
FNote is notpad and in which It’s possible to create folders inside folder so it’s convenient to sort notes.
– FNote is notepad notes app.
– You can create sub-folders inside folders.
– Sub-folders can be bookmarked.
– There is no limit to the number and depth of folders.
– You can set password for each note.
– You can put a check box between text.
– You can change the font color.
– Supports landscape view.
– Supports notes menu shortcut widgets.
– Supports Google Drive Backup.
– Support optimized color themes.
ما هو الجديد:
Bug fix
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
Download FNote – Folder Notes, Notepad v3.1.0 [Pro] APK [Latest]
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- يرجى مراجعة دليل التثبيت لدينا.
- للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج