HACK for Hacker News is the most beautiful and easy way to read about the latest programming, startup, science, technology, engineering and mathematics news. With ability to vote, favorite, comment, submit new posts and receive push notifications for replies, HACK is highly customizable with the best features you would expect in a top quality client.
- Login or Register your Hacker News account
- PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for Hacker News replies to comment or post
- Swipe to upvote, favorite, reply and hide stories & comments
- Comments are presented in nested threads. Tap a comment to collapse that thread
- Reply to posts & comments
- Submit new link or text posts including drafts
- Long press a story, link or comment to share
- No Ads. No subscriptions
- Landscape and Portrait support
- Hide read posts from the feed
- Tap the bottom button to scroll to the next root comment in the thread. Long press it to go to the previous one.
- All known hacker news endpoints - News, Ask HN, Show HN, Show HN Newest, trending, second chance pool, classic, active, best stories, best comments, new stories, new comments, noob stories, noob comments, jobs, over 100-500 points etc
- Submit posts, reply, comment using your HN account
- Browse top 100 leader accounts
- Browse stories from a specific site, user or date
- Archive support: View an archive of the post website. archive.is, archive.org & google cache.
- Search in comments and usernames! Search is case and diacritic insensitive and ignores punctuations.
- Select / highlight the comment/post title text for lookup/copy/translate
- Powerful search (powered by Algolia API) - use @date to sort by date, #story to filter for stories, #comments to filter for comments, #author_username to filter by user etc. These tags can be separated by commas.
- Dark mode - both pure black and gray mode and many other color choices
- Low contrast text mode to make the text not be pure white #FFFFFF
- Many theme color choices for customization
- Font choices & sizes to make the design exactly to your liking
- Share comment as image
- Threaded comments with color bar to maintain visual orientation
- Articles open in built in webview with Reader Mode. Ability to use other browsers too.
- Play articles as audio with Text to Speech.
- Tap the domain in a story to see all stories from that site
- Tap the username in a story or comment to go to the user profile
- Browse your submitted stories and comments, favorited stories and comments, upvoted stories and comments, hidden stories
- High quality favicons for articles as HN doesn't provide any images. I run my own server for this so if you would like to help me support server costs, please buy the small one time in app purchase. It also unlocks custom fonts, themes, settings customizations and supports future update development.
What's new:
- Fixed crucial bug where content wasn't loading.
معلومات الحزمة:
● Supported Languages: af, am, ar, as, az, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-XC, es, es-419, es-US, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr-CA, gl, gu, hi, hr, hu, hy, in, is, it, iw, ja, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, ky, lo, lt, lv, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, or, pa, pl, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr-Latn, sv, sw, ta, te, th, tl, tr, uk, ur, uz, vi, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zu;
● Supported CPU architecture: Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a, X86, X86_64;
● Supported Screen DPI: Ldpi, Mdpi, Tvdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi.
معلومات التعديل:
● Pro Feature Unlock.
● تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play.
● In-App Billing Service Removed / Disabled.
● تمت إزالة خدمات التشغيل والنقل وخصائص Firebase.
● تمت إزالة كافة المجلدات والملفات غير الضرورية.
● إزالة عنصر Dpi المكرر مثل:
- Bar Length, Drawable Size, Gap Between Bars.
● تمت إزالة ملف Splits0 (الموارد وAndroidManifest).
● إزالة البيانات التعريفية غير الضرورية المرتبطة بـ Splits0 مثل:
- Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.
● إزالة معلومات التصحيح (المصدر، الخط، المعلمة، المقدمة، المحلية).
● Total Apk Size 25.3 Mb.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
[appbox googleplay id=com.pranapps.hack]
HACK for Hacker News Science & Technology v33.0 [Mod] APK / مرآة

HACK for Hacker News Science & Technology v33.0 [Mod] APK [Latest]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | تطبيقات الأندرويد |
إصدار | |
تحديث | سبتمبر 30, 2022 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
HACK for Hacker News is the most beautiful and easy way to read about the latest programming, startup, science, technology, engineering and mathematics news. With ability to vote, favorite, comment, submit new posts and receive push notifications for replies, HACK is highly customizable with the best features you would expect in a top quality client.
– Login or Register your Hacker News account
– PUSH NOTIFICATIONS for Hacker News replies to comment or post
– Swipe to upvote, favorite, reply and hide stories & comments
– Comments are presented in nested threads. Tap a comment to collapse that thread
– Reply to posts & comments
– Submit new link or text posts including drafts
– Long press a story, link or comment to share
– No Ads. No subscriptions
– Landscape and Portrait support
– Hide read posts from the feed
– Tap the bottom button to scroll to the next root comment in the thread. Long press it to go to the previous one.
– All known hacker news endpoints – News, Ask HN, Show HN, Show HN Newest, trending, second chance pool, classic, active, best stories, best comments, new stories, new comments, noob stories, noob comments, jobs, over 100-500 points etc
– Submit posts, reply, comment using your HN account
– Browse top 100 leader accounts
– Browse stories from a specific site, user or date
– Archive support: View an archive of the post website. archive.is, archive.org & google cache.
– Search in comments and usernames! Search is case and diacritic insensitive and ignores punctuations.
– Select / highlight the comment/post title text for lookup/copy/translate
– Powerful search (powered by Algolia API) – use @date to sort by date, #story to filter for stories, #comments to filter for comments, #author_username to filter by user etc. These tags can be separated by commas.
– Dark mode – both pure black and gray mode and many other color choices
– Low contrast text mode to make the text not be pure white #FFFFFF
– Many theme color choices for customization
– Font choices & sizes to make the design exactly to your liking
– Share comment as image
– Threaded comments with color bar to maintain visual orientation
– Articles open in built in webview with Reader Mode. Ability to use other browsers too.
– Play articles as audio with Text to Speech.
– Tap the domain in a story to see all stories from that site
– Tap the username in a story or comment to go to the user profile
– Browse your submitted stories and comments, favorited stories and comments, upvoted stories and comments, hidden stories
– High quality favicons for articles as HN doesn’t provide any images. I run my own server for this so if you would like to help me support server costs, please buy the small one time in app purchase. It also unlocks custom fonts, themes, settings customizations and supports future update development.
ما هو الجديد:
– Fixed crucial bug where content wasn’t loading.
معلومات الحزمة:
● Supported Languages: af, am, ar, as, az, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, da, de, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-XC, es, es-419, es-US, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr-CA, gl, gu, hi, hr, hu, hy, in, is, it, iw, ja, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, ky, lo, lt, lv, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, or, pa, pl, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ru, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr-Latn, sv, sw, ta, te, th, tl, tr, uk, ur, uz, vi, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zu;
● بنية وحدة المعالجة المركزية المدعومة: Armeabi-v7a، Arm64-v8a، X86، X86_64؛
● Supported Screen DPI: Ldpi, Mdpi, Tvdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi.
معلومات التعديل:
● Pro Feature Unlock.
● تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play.
● In-App Billing Service Removed / Disabled.
● تمت إزالة خدمات التشغيل والنقل وخصائص Firebase.
● تمت إزالة كافة المجلدات والملفات غير الضرورية.
● إزالة عنصر Dpi المكرر مثل:
- طول الشريط، الحجم القابل للرسم، والفجوة بين القضبان.
● تمت إزالة ملف Splits0 (الموارد وAndroidManifest).
● إزالة البيانات التعريفية غير الضرورية المرتبطة بـ Splits0 مثل:
– مصدر الطوابع، Stamp Type Standalone Apk، Android Vending Splits، Android Vending Derived Apk.
● إزالة معلومات التصحيح (المصدر، الخط، المعلمة، المقدمة، المحلية).
● Total Apk Size 25.3 Mb.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
HACK for Hacker News Science & Technology v33.0 [Mod] APK / مرآة
Download HACK for Hacker News Science & Technology v33.0 [Mod] APK [Latest]
أنت الآن جاهز للتنزيل مجانا. وهنا بعض الملاحظات:
- يرجى مراجعة دليل التثبيت لدينا.
- للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج