This app is dedicated to one of the most difficult topics for most students who learn English language - English phrasal verbs. Since its cannot be translated verbatim. You just have to know its meaning and memorize it.
There are more than ten thousand phrasal verbs in English. In this application, we collected more then 2000 phrasal verbs and phrases for learning and tried to make very user friendly interface that helps make learning process qiete simple and fast.
The learning technique, applied in the app, allows you to quick learn English phrasal verbs (up to 900 new phrasal verbs phrases per month), which are often use in common English native speech. It will give huge support to improve your English communication skills.
Each phrasal verb in this application comes with full English definition, up to 10 usage examples, sound pronunciation and much more details included in its own flashcard. Because of unique learning technique you will keep in mind this information for very very long time.
Our specialists selected for you more than 10,000 examples of phrasal verbs using in context that will help you use them in right lifecases.
During the studying English phrasal verbs, you can test your knowledge by passing tests that implemented in two ways: selection verb as first part of pharasal verb and selection particle as second one part. When test is passed the application calculate many parameters to show you how well is your knowledge.
Our team wishes you every success in English learning!
What's new:
- We fix Report a Bug button that didn't work on some devices
- Minor UI improvements
Sap Info:
● Standalone Android Package.
● Languages: None;
● Supported CPU architecture: None;
● Supported DPIs: hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi.
معلومات التعديل:
● Premium Feature Unlock.
● Ads Removed / Disabled.
● Analytics / Crashlytics Disabled.
● Receivers and Services Removed / Disabled.
● Optimized Graphics / Zipalign.
● Total Apk Size 10.1 Mb.
● Removed Debug Information.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
[appbox googleplay id=com.arturagapov.phrasalverbs]
Learn English Phrasal Verbs and Phrases v1.2.6 [Mod] [Sap] APK / مرآة
Learn English Phrasal Verbs and Phrases v1.2.2 [Mod] SAP APK / مرآة

Learn English Phrasal Verbs and Phrases v1.2.6 [Mod] [Sap] APK [Latest]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | تعليم |
إصدار | |
تحديث | فبراير 13, 2020 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
This app is dedicated to one of the most difficult topics for most students who learn English language – English phrasal verbs. Since its cannot be translated verbatim. You just have to know its meaning and memorize it.
There are more than ten thousand phrasal verbs in English. In this application, we collected more then 2000 phrasal verbs and phrases for learning and tried to make very user friendly interface that helps make learning process qiete simple and fast.
The learning technique, applied in the app, allows you to quick learn English phrasal verbs (up to 900 new phrasal verbs phrases per month), which are often use in common English native speech. It will give huge support to improve your English communication skills.
Each phrasal verb in this application comes with full English definition, up to 10 usage examples, sound pronunciation and much more details included in its own flashcard. Because of unique learning technique you will keep in mind this information for very very long time.
Our specialists selected for you more than 10,000 examples of phrasal verbs using in context that will help you use them in right lifecases.
During the studying English phrasal verbs, you can test your knowledge by passing tests that implemented in two ways: selection verb as first part of pharasal verb and selection particle as second one part. When test is passed the application calculate many parameters to show you how well is your knowledge.
Our team wishes you every success in English learning!
ما هو الجديد:
– We fix Report a Bug button that didn’t work on some devices
– Minor UI improvements
Sap Info:
● Standalone Android Package.
● Languages: None;
● Supported CPU architecture: None;
● Supported DPIs: hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi.
معلومات التعديل:
● Premium Feature Unlock.
● إزالة الإعلانات / تعطيلها.
● Analytics / Crashlytics Disabled.
● إزالة/تعطيل أجهزة الاستقبال والخدمات.
● الرسومات الأمثل / Zipalign.
● Total Apk Size 10.1 Mb.
● Removed Debug Information.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
Learn English Phrasal Verbs and Phrases v1.2.6 [Mod] [Sap] APK / مرآة
Learn English Phrasal Verbs and Phrases v1.2.2 [Mod] SAP APK / مرآة
Download Learn English Phrasal Verbs and Phrases v1.2.6 [Mod] [Sap] APK [Latest]
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- يرجى مراجعة دليل التثبيت لدينا.
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