TorrentX Pro app is Ad-free, Advance, Premium Torrent Application for Android Smartphones. This is the Premium version of the Torrent Client which is Published under the same name on Google Play store. This Android application helps users to download (torrent) on your phone or tablet in hassle free way. This Full features app comes with most of Advanced features. This is one of the best torrent downloader with no download speed or download size limits.
This Android application helps users to download (torrent) on your phone or tablet in hassle free way. This Full features app comes with most of Advanced features. This is one of the best torrent downloader with no download speed or download size limits. So if you tired of So much ads then you can Try this app.
Alteratively if you do not want to Download the Paid version you can Use the free version as well however that will comes with Advertisement and little bit differ that the Pro version.
TorrentX Features:
*Auto-shutdown feature to Automatically exit app when Downloading will finish
*No speed limits and no size limits. Completely free for Lifetime.
*Easily change file path with an inbuilt file manager.
*Easily switch between night & Day mode. Both options are available in settings menu.
*Advanced information while Downloading the files.
*Beautifully light, clean design.
*Wi-Fi mode to save mobile data.
*Option to keep CPU Awake to ignore Screen turn off.
*Battery Control feature: Pause when battery Level goes below 15%. You can also set this level according to your need.
*DHT, LSD, UTP, UPnP, NAT-PMP, Encryption mode & option to turn on Ip filtering.
In case if you have any Issue, Suggetion then you can Contact us on Your Opinion and Suggetions are Always welcome & Appreciated.
What's New:
Official Release.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
[appbox googleplay]
TorrentX Pro -Advance Torrent App for Android v0.1 [Paid] APK / مرآة

TorrentX Pro -Advance Torrent App for Android v0.1 [Paid] APK [Latest]
vاسم | |
الناشر | |
النوع | مشغلات الفيديو والمحررين |
إصدار | |
تحديث | سبتمبر 21, 2019 |
احصل عليه | Play Store |
TorrentX Pro app is Ad-free, Advance, Premium Torrent Application for Android Smartphones. This is the Premium version of the Torrent Client which is Published under the same name on Google Play store. This Android application helps users to download (torrent) on your phone or tablet in hassle free way. This Full features app comes with most of Advanced features. This is one of the best torrent downloader with no download speed or download size limits.
This Android application helps users to download (torrent) on your phone or tablet in hassle free way. This Full features app comes with most of Advanced features. This is one of the best torrent downloader with no download speed or download size limits. So if you tired of So much ads then you can Try this app.
Alteratively if you do not want to Download the Paid version you can Use the free version as well however that will comes with Advertisement and little bit differ that the Pro version.
TorrentX Features:
*Auto-shutdown feature to Automatically exit app when Downloading will finish
*No speed limits and no size limits. Completely free for Lifetime.
*Easily change file path with an inbuilt file manager.
*Easily switch between night & Day mode. Both options are available in settings menu.
*Advanced information while Downloading the files.
*Beautifully light, clean design.
*Wi-Fi mode to save mobile data.
*Option to keep CPU Awake to ignore Screen turn off.
*Battery Control feature: Pause when battery Level goes below 15%. You can also set this level according to your need.
*DHT, LSD, UTP, UPnP, NAT-PMP, Encryption mode & option to turn on Ip filtering.
In case if you have any Issue, Suggetion then you can Contact us on Your Opinion and Suggetions are Always welcome & Appreciated.
ما هو الجديد:
Official Release.
هذا التطبيق لديه No الإعلانات
لقطات الشاشة
TorrentX Pro -Advance Torrent App for Android v0.1 [Paid] APK / مرآة
Download TorrentX Pro -Advance Torrent App for Android v0.1 [Paid] APK [Latest]
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- للتحقق من وحدة المعالجة المركزية ووحدة معالجة الرسومات لجهاز Android، يرجى استخدام وحدة المعالجة المركزية-Z برنامج