XAPKS Installer by APKMODY is a smart installer. It can install OBB APKs XAPK APKM amazingly fast and easy.
App Installer
Batch install .APK .APKs .XAPK .APKM .OBB files from internal storage or SD card.
App UnInstaller
Remove unwanted apps easily.
Batch install .APK .APKs .XAPK .APKM .OBB files from internal storage or SD card.
App Backup & Restore
The backup function allows you to backup APK files and APKs easily and quickly.
The backed up files can be restored when you need ít
Check Apps and Device infomation
XAPKS Installer allows you to view the infomation about the app and your device.
Ability to work on any device
Regardless of whether you have a rooted device or not the application works effectively.
Optimized app
The application is optimized for high performance.
And many app themes to fit your hobby.
Please note that XAPKS Installer only installs user-provided files and is not responsible for those app's behavior.
Some devices/ROMs aren't supported by XAPKS Installer which has to do with bad Android API implementation in said ROMs and can't be fixed on the app side.
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XAPKS Installer v2.2.8 APK [Premium] / Spiegel
XAPKS Installer v2.2.3 APK [Premium] / Spiegel
![XAPKS Installer v2.2.8 APK [Premium Unlocked] [Latest]](https://hostapk.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/XAPKS-Installer-1-832x320.png)

Name | XAPKS Installer |
Herausgeber | APKMODY |
Genre | Werkzeuge |
Ausführung | 2.2.8 |
Aktualisieren | September 25, 2024 |
MOD | Premium-Funktionen freigeschaltet |
Mach es an | Play Store |
XAPKS Installer by APKMODY is a smart installer. It can install OBB APKs XAPK APKM amazingly fast and easy.
App Installer
Batch install .APK .APKs .XAPK .APKM .OBB files from internal storage or SD card.
App UnInstaller
Remove unwanted apps easily.
Batch install .APK .APKs .XAPK .APKM .OBB files from internal storage or SD card.
App Backup & Restore
The backup function allows you to backup APK files and APKs easily and quickly.
The backed up files can be restored when you need ít
Check Apps and Device infomation
XAPKS Installer allows you to view the infomation about the app and your device.
Ability to work on any device
Regardless of whether you have a rooted device or not the application works effectively.
Optimized app
The application is optimized for high performance.
And many app themes to fit your hobby.
Please note that XAPKS Installer only installs user-provided files and is not responsible for those app’s behavior.
Some devices/ROMs aren’t supported by XAPKS Installer which has to do with bad Android API implementation in said ROMs and can’t be fixed on the app side.
- Update Ads SDK
- Behobene Fehler
Download XAPKS Installer v2.2.8 APK [Premium Unlocked] [Latest]
Sie können jetzt herunterladen XAPKS Installer kostenlos. Hier einige Hinweise:
- Bitte schauen Sie sich unsere Installationsanleitung an.
- Um die CPU und GPU des Android-Geräts zu überprüfen, verwenden Sie bitte CPU-Z App