Calculator Vault - Hide Photo Video & App Lock can help you to hide any app and keep your privacy by hiding apps. You can open hidden apps in calculator vault or interface of your phone. Use this calculator vault to hide pictures or hide photos, hide videos and use app lock secretly inside an app. Calculator vault provides hidden picture function your pictures import into the gallery others cannot see these photos. You can browse protected pictures in hider's gallery. Really want a secret locker for your personal files in your phone. A secret photo vault behind it all hide photos will be encrypted uninstall the app will not delete the password or remove the photos.
Features of Calculator Vault - Hide Photo Video & App Lock:
# Import photo and video from the library.
# Hide all installed applications.
# Sort files or folder and change view to grid or list view you like most with a smart locker.
# Unlimited add contacts or SMS and e-mail.
# Large cloud photo storage or cloud backup release the mobile space.
# Online backup to get your data on multiple devices.
# Hide you are any format files from built-in file explorer.
# Inbuilt image viewer and audio or video player.
# Save all your passwords in one place.
Calculator gallery vault is a private photo lock app and photo hider app that lets you hide pictures and personal picture lock and photo hider albums or secret videos behind calculator hide the app. Lock the app with a password or pattern lock to protect your privacy. You can only open private photo vault by typing a correct password into our smart calculator photo hider or your fingerprint for supported devices. The smart calculator supports fake password to show fake content in extreme cases when you need to open a secret locker in front of other peoples. This is enabling intruder selfie lets you capture intruder's photo and show them when you entering into smart vault calculator locker. Hide your personal audio, contacts apks and any documents easily vault application. You can directly hide pictures and videos from phone gallery or sd card by sharing to gallery lock app download.
Calculator vault - hide photo video & app lock opens only by secret code that is set by you otherwise it functional as simple calculator photo vault. Use this calculator vault or photo vault hide picture to hide pictures and hide photos with hiding videos and use safe gallery inside app import photo vault to video hider and hide pictures and hide video from the photo gallery. Vault app can also call this app as gallery lock or gallery vault apps to gallery lock apps or gallery vault hide video or gallery vault hide photo with cloud storage with private photo locker. Now you can have control over your switched like wifi and Bluetooth by our strong app lock security. You can enable advanced security where you can set fake cover of force close of applications which are locked and only you know a trick to open your app lock interface.
Calculator vault you can hide images and hide videos with hide photos to hide pics in image locker app is image locker but image lock or image vault in hide photos with private photo vault or private photo app download to image locker for android. This is hidden calculator app to hide application is a secret app folder or secret calculator app with vault apps for android download vaulty apps. You can best photo vault app android or photo calculator app and calculator app lock is hide calculator to secret calculator vault app hider is folder lock app with safe gallery app. This is smart app lock to fingerprint app lock and file lock apps are video lock app lock download or hidden photo vault is hide photos calculator to a secret photo album. This is application lock to mobile lock app with security apps lock now is photo vault calculator secret folder with vault backup video vault app to valut app lock download.
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Calculator Vault - Hide Photo Video & App Lock v2.7 [PRO] APK / Espejo

Calculator Vault – Hide Photo Video & App Lock v2.7 [PRO] APK [Latest]
vNombre | |
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Actualizar | julio 13, 2019 |
Consíguelo | Play Store |
Calculator Vault – Hide Photo Video & App Lock can help you to hide any app and keep your privacy by hiding apps. You can open hidden apps in calculator vault or interface of your phone. Use this calculator vault to hide pictures or hide photos, hide videos and use app lock secretly inside an app. Calculator vault provides hidden picture function your pictures import into the gallery others cannot see these photos. You can browse protected pictures in hider’s gallery. Really want a secret locker for your personal files in your phone. A secret photo vault behind it all hide photos will be encrypted uninstall the app will not delete the password or remove the photos.
Features of Calculator Vault – Hide Photo Video & App Lock:
# Import photo and video from the library.
# Hide all installed applications.
# Sort files or folder and change view to grid or list view you like most with a smart locker.
# Unlimited add contacts or SMS and e-mail.
# Large cloud photo storage or cloud backup release the mobile space.
# Online backup to get your data on multiple devices.
# Hide you are any format files from built-in file explorer.
# Inbuilt image viewer and audio or video player.
# Save all your passwords in one place.
Calculator gallery vault is a private photo lock app and photo hider app that lets you hide pictures and personal picture lock and photo hider albums or secret videos behind calculator hide the app. Lock the app with a password or pattern lock to protect your privacy. You can only open private photo vault by typing a correct password into our smart calculator photo hider or your fingerprint for supported devices. The smart calculator supports fake password to show fake content in extreme cases when you need to open a secret locker in front of other peoples. This is enabling intruder selfie lets you capture intruder’s photo and show them when you entering into smart vault calculator locker. Hide your personal audio, contacts apks and any documents easily vault application. You can directly hide pictures and videos from phone gallery or sd card by sharing to gallery lock app download.
Calculator vault – hide photo video & app lock opens only by secret code that is set by you otherwise it functional as simple calculator photo vault. Use this calculator vault or photo vault hide picture to hide pictures and hide photos with hiding videos and use safe gallery inside app import photo vault to video hider and hide pictures and hide video from the photo gallery. Vault app can also call this app as gallery lock or gallery vault apps to gallery lock apps or gallery vault hide video or gallery vault hide photo with cloud storage with private photo locker. Now you can have control over your switched like wifi and Bluetooth by our strong app lock security. You can enable advanced security where you can set fake cover of force close of applications which are locked and only you know a trick to open your app lock interface.
Calculator vault you can hide images and hide videos with hide photos to hide pics in image locker app is image locker but image lock or image vault in hide photos with private photo vault or private photo app download to image locker for android. This is hidden calculator app to hide application is a secret app folder or secret calculator app with vault apps for android download vaulty apps. You can best photo vault app android or photo calculator app and calculator app lock is hide calculator to secret calculator vault app hider is folder lock app with safe gallery app. This is smart app lock to fingerprint app lock and file lock apps are video lock app lock download or hidden photo vault is hide photos calculator to a secret photo album. This is application lock to mobile lock app with security apps lock now is photo vault calculator secret folder with vault backup video vault app to valut app lock download.
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Descargas: Funciones PRO desbloqueadas
Calculator Vault – Hide Photo Video & App Lock v2.7 [PRO] APK / Espejo
Download Calculator Vault – Hide Photo Video & App Lock v2.7 [PRO] APK [Latest]
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