Plot: Mankind is at war and under attack from aliens, robots and cyborgs! Manage combat unit “Cyber-sphere” to defend the base amongst the stars from the advancing enemy across the planets. Use armoury such as missiles, energy weapons, support drones, camouflage and explosions to destruct the enemy. You can fight alone or join forces with other pilots in new co-op multiplayer mode! Good luck! Civilisation as we know it depends upon you. Principales caractéristiques ★ Slick futuristic 3D graphics - making a game feel like reality. ★ Single-player - you only have yourself to rely on to prevent the apocalypse. ★ Cross platform LAN multiplayer - up to 6 players with iOS and Android devices can play together. ★ Offline mode - you can play this game without internet connection. ★ PVE with friends - join forces and increase your firepower in virtual fightin! ★ PVP game mode - find out, who is the best pilot! ★ Plenty of weapons - more then 28 deadly guns. ★ Many support drone models - The drone game you want to be a part of so use your AI-controlled guardians. ★ Lot of character type - manage futuristic tanks, walking robots, cyborgs and soldiers, each with unique special ability! ★ Easiness of control - you can manage it intuitively using on-screen controls or gamepad ★ Global ratings - become the Sci-fI best robot destroyer in the world! ★ A variety of enemies - robots, aliens and top-down cyborg shooter ★ Small download size - slightly more than 50mb ! ★ Non-stop Sci Fi Top down cyborg shooter action - one of the most interesting action games, it will not let you relax even a single second! Now, aboard the Spaceship! Mod Achats gratuits Money What's New: 6 new melee weapons Cette application n'a aucune publicité Captures d'écran [appbox googleplay id=com.lb4business.cybersphere&hl=en] Téléchargements
CyberSphere: Sci-fi Shooter v1.9.6 [Mod Money] APK / Miroir