Compass v6.0.8 APK [Pro] [Mod Extra] [Latest]

Compass v6.0.8 APK [Pro] [Mod Extra] [Latest]

v6.0.8 by PixelProse SARL

  It seems there might be a misunderstanding in your question. The term "Compass with heading and paragraph" is a bit ambiguous, and it could refer to different things based on context. I'll provide information on two possible interpretations: Compass pro

Compass Application

In the context of a compass application, "heading" typically refers to the cardinal direction in which a device or user is pointing. For example, it might indicate that the user is facing north, south, east, or west. Without additional context, it's unclear how a paragraph might be related to a compass application. However, it's possible that you could have a user interface with additional information or instructions presented in paragraphs, perhaps explaining how to use the compass features, the importance of accurate calibration, or any other relevant details.

Compass Heading and Paragraph in a Document

In a document or a webpage, a "heading" usually refers to a title or a section header that introduces and summarizes the content of a specific section. In the same context, a "paragraph" is a block of text that provides more detailed information on a specific topic. Paragraphs are often used to organize and present information in a structured manner. If you could provide more details or clarify the context of your question, I would be happy to give a more precise and helpful answer.
Sie können jetzt herunterladen Compass kostenlos. Hier einige Hinweise:
  • Bitte lesen Sie unsere MOD-Infos und Installationsanweisungen sorgfältig durch, damit das Spiel und die App ordnungsgemäß funktionieren
  • Das Herunterladen über Software von Drittanbietern wie IDM, ADM (Direktlink) ist derzeit aus Missbrauchsgründen gesperrt.
Die App hat keine Werbeeinblendungen Screenshots [appbox googleplay id=fr.avianey.compass] Downloads
Compass v6.0.8 APK [Mod Extra] / Spiegel
Ältere Version
Compass v6.0.6 APK [Mod Extra] / Spiegel
Compass v6.0.5 APK [Mod Extra] / Spiegel

Name Compass Compass is the most famous version in the Compass series of publisher
Herausgeber PixelProse SARL
Genre Android Apps
Ausführung 6.0.8
Aktualisieren Februar 12, 2024
MOD Pro-/kostenpflichtige Funktionen freigeschaltet
Mach es an Play Store
  • Pro-/kostenpflichtige Funktionen freigeschaltet;
  • Unerwünschte Berechtigungen + Empfänger + Anbieter + Dienste deaktiviert/entfernt;
  • Optimierte und zip-ausgerichtete Grafiken und bereinigte Ressourcen für schnelles Laden;
  • Google Maps Locations works;
  • Überprüfung der Installationspakete im Google Play Store deaktiviert;
  • Debug-Code entfernt;
  • Entfernen Sie den standardmäßigen .source-Tag-Namen der entsprechenden Java-Dateien.
  • Analytics/Crashlytics/Firebase deaktiviert;
  • Menu cleaned;
  • Rate dialog disabled;
  • Sprachen: Vollständig mehrsprachig;
  • CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_x64;
  • Bildschirm-DPIs: 120 dpi, 160 dpi, 240 dpi, 320 dpi, 480 dpi, 640 dpi;
  • Ursprüngliche Paketsignatur geändert.


It seems there might be a misunderstanding in your question. The term “Compass with heading and paragraph” is a bit ambiguous, and it could refer to different things based on context. I’ll provide information on two possible interpretations:

Compass pro

Compass Application

In the context of a compass application, “heading” typically refers to the cardinal direction in which a device or user is pointing. For example, it might indicate that the user is facing north, south, east, or west.

Without additional context, it’s unclear how a paragraph might be related to a compass application. However, it’s possible that you could have a user interface with additional information or instructions presented in paragraphs, perhaps explaining how to use the compass features, the importance of accurate calibration, or any other relevant details.

Compass Heading and Paragraph in a Document

In a document or a webpage, a “heading” usually refers to a title or a section header that introduces and summarizes the content of a specific section.

In the same context, a “paragraph” is a block of text that provides more detailed information on a specific topic. Paragraphs are often used to organize and present information in a structured manner.

If you could provide more details or clarify the context of your question, I would be happy to give a more precise and helpful answer.

Sie können jetzt herunterladen Compass kostenlos. Hier einige Hinweise:

  • Bitte lesen Sie unsere MOD-Infos und Installationsanweisungen sorgfältig durch, damit das Spiel und die App ordnungsgemäß funktionieren
  • Das Herunterladen über Software von Drittanbietern wie IDM, ADM (Direktlink) ist derzeit aus Missbrauchsgründen gesperrt.

Die App hat keine Werbeeinblendungen


  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto
  • Kompass Bildschirmfoto


Compass v6.0.8 APK [Mod Extra] / Spiegel

Ältere Version

Compass v6.0.6 APK [Mod Extra] / Spiegel

Compass v6.0.5 APK [Mod Extra] / Spiegel


Sie können jetzt herunterladen Compass kostenlos. Hier einige Hinweise:

  • Bitte schauen Sie sich unsere Installationsanleitung an.
  • Um die CPU und GPU des Android-Geräts zu überprüfen, verwenden Sie bitte CPU-Z App

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